My Charleston Closet (+ The Best Sweater Folding Trick).

My Charleston Closet (+ The Best Sweater Folding Trick)

My Charleston Closet

When I moved into this apartment, one of the things I was most excited for were my closets. This is, far and away, the nicest closet situation I’ve ever had. I have one large walk in closet off of the bedroom which houses all of my clothes and accessories, and another off of the guest bath that I am using a little like an attic – to store out of season clothes and pretty much anything I don’t need on a daily basis. While the living space in this apartment is a little smaller than my old apartment, the storage space is amazing… you might remember that in my old apartment where I had to DIY my own closet (see pics here!) using those palm print curtains? Such an upgrade.

The one conundrum I had was that I had way more hanging space than I actually needed (or so I thought), and not a lot of shelf space for folded items like jeans and sweaters. I hired Madeline Chuvalas from The Dandelion Effect to help me and it is some of the best money I’ve ever spent. She whipped my space into shape in just a couple days. If you are local to Charleston, I can’t recommend working with her enough. It’s so nice to have everything organized in one place, and to be able to see all my things!!

The biggest thing she did was maximize shelf space by a) using these shoe risers which literally doubled my shoe storage space and b) hanging things that I’ve historically folded (jeans and sweaters).

I’m going to teach you her sweater hanging trick… it’s pretty genius.

My Charleston Closet

I already used all black Slimline hangers (if you haven’t made the switch, I can’t recommend it enough – they take up less space and also prevent clothing from slipping off. The shoe risers are such a game changer. She also used these units to store and display some of my smaller purses. I was so shocked to learn they are actually technically desktop organizers. But they’re so incredibly perfect for purses… what a genius idea!

The other boxes below are hyacinth baskets from Amazon, and also rattan boxes from H&M (sadly sold out – they always go so quickly). I will tell you that H&M does currently have the rattan baskets (small and large), which I also have and love.

how to organize shoes in closet My Charleston Closet (+ The Best Sweater Folding Trick)

The Best Sweater Folding Trick

OK let’s get into that sweater folding trick! This trick is great as it makes it really easy to see and access all your sweaters, won’t monopolize shelf space, and also hangs your sweaters in a way that won’t damage them or stretch the shoulders out.

(By the way, the leopard stool is CB2 but it’s old – this X-Bench from The Inside would be a great swap.)

Start by folding your sweater in half. Position the sweater on a flat surface, with the arm and torso as a V. Then, place your hanger at the center of the V.

Then, fold the torso side over the hanger, and fold the arm like that. Voila. Place in the closet, with each sweater facing the same way.

My Charleston Closet

My swimwear and scarves are stored in the clear plastic boxes above.

My Charleston Closet Closet organization hacks

She also used these boot inserts (not pictured) to keep my boots in shape – they’re stacked on the far right shelf.

closet shoe risers

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I only feature things I truly love here. Thanks for your support.

photos by Clay Austin.

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  1. Jessica Camerata:

    I had a KonMari expert come and help me with my closet a few years ago and it was GAME CHANGER. It’s so worth it. That sweater hanging hack is so smart!

    xo Jessica
    an indigo day

    6.11.21 Reply
  2. Alyse:

    Wow looks so beautiful and I am going to use that sweater hack!

    6.11.21 Reply
  3. Courtney:

    This sweater hack is life changing!!! Thank you!

    6.11.21 Reply
  4. I’m doing this sweater hack ASAP! I switched to the slimline hangers also and it’s made the biggest space difference in my closet. Thank you for sharing, Grace! Oh, and I love your colorful shoe collection. That blue pair with the stacked rhinestone heel is amazing! πŸ™‚ Have a great day and continue enjoying your lovely new Charleston home!

    6.11.21 Reply
  5. I am so jealous of your closet!! Do not be ashamed for hiring help whether that’s for cleaning your apartment or organizing!! Leave it up to the pros so you can enjoy time doing other things. Beyond jealous of your colorful shoe collection

    6.11.21 Reply
  6. Anne Winegardner:

    Ok, but like I am SHOOK by this sweater folding technique! What a game changer!!!

    6.11.21 Reply
  7. Ellen:

    Really loved this post. Moving soon and utilizing these hacks! Thanks, Grace!! πŸ™‚

    Happy weekend. xo

    6.11.21 Reply
  8. meghan:

    This is amazing! Does Madeline have any suggestions about how to find a local organizer to work this magic? I’m in Phoenix, for reference.

    Thanks for always sharing the coolest stuff. πŸ™‚

    6.11.21 Reply
    • Hi Meghan, I don’t know, but you could always reach out to her on her site or via Instagram.

      6.12.21 Reply
  9. Jessica:

    Ummmmm this sweater hanging thing might have just changed my life.

    6.11.21 Reply
  10. Sarah:

    Your closet is so pretty! Such good organization ideas, it must so nice to have everything in place.

    6.11.21 Reply
  11. Elle:

    Hi! Do you/she have a trick for putting together the shoe risers? I bought them from your link on insta and could only get one or two together before I had to stop because it hurt my thumb so bad. They look great; would welcome any tips!

    6.11.21 Reply
    • Hi Elle, I don’t as she put them together for me. I’m sorry! You could always reach out to her on her site or via Instagram.

      6.12.21 Reply
  12. Jessie:

    Don’t let anyone shame you for using a professional organizer (or cleaner!). Your money is yours to use as you see fit, and if your time can be better utilized another way (including for taking a break), that’s your choice. Back before cutting the cable was really a thing, one of my coworkers said she’d rather give up cable TV than give up her house cleaner and thT has always really stuck with me. There’s just nothing like coming home to a clean, organized house after a long day at work! Your closet looks awesome, and you sound so happy, so sounds like money well spent to me!

    6.11.21 Reply
  13. Melissa:

    I’m obsessed with your new space. Question: do the sweaters need steaming before wearing because there’s a crease down the middle?

    6.12.21 Reply
  14. Your closet is amazing sweetie, everything looks great!

    Danielle |

    6.12.21 Reply
  15. Sarah:

    Oooookay. I love that sweater folding over the hanger trick! Question. I used to hang all my sweaters (in a traditional way) and then swapped to the Marie Kondo folding method. Do you think your sweater hanging trick takes up less space than folding in a drawer/shelf? I feel my drawers are stuffed with sweaters and I was planning on buying another dresser for overflow, but wondering if I should be taking on your strategy instead.

    6.12.21 Reply
    • Think it really just depends on your closet / storage space. I don’t have a lot of shelves or drawers so this worked best for me.

      6.13.21 Reply
  16. Elizabeth:

    This looks incredible! Love the new space and the sweater hanging trick. Question: Do you worry about your purses getting dusty when they are on the top shelf like that? I keep my purses in boxes because of the dust β€” but then I forget some of the ones I own! Thanks for sharing!!

    6.14.21 Reply
    • I don’t! I guess we will see. I like them out so that I can see them and will actually use them πŸ™‚

      6.15.21 Reply
  17. Loved the sweater folding trick! Need to invest in some slim velvet black hangers like the ones you have!

    11.13.21 Reply
  18. This sweater trick is so smart! I have the same issue–more hanging space than folding space–so I cannot wait to give this a try! Thanks for sharing, Grace!

    12.29.21 Reply
  19. Kate W:

    This is the most aesthetically pleasing closet I have ever seen, I love it!! This inspired me to start my spring reorganizing this weekend!

    2.22.22 Reply